Can I add an additional email address and phone number?

To add an additional email and phone number:
1. Make sure you are logged in.
2. On the home page of the application, find and click on the `three horizontal lines` icon in the top left corner.
3. After clicking on the icon, a side menu should appear on the left.
4. In the side menu, find and select `Digital ID`.
5. After selecting `Digital ID`, the appropriate menu will open.
6. From the `Digital ID` menu, find and click on `Email and phone`.
7. In the `Email & Phone` section that opens, find the two fields to add an additional email and/or phone number.
8. In the field, enter the relevant information: to add an email, enter a new e-mail address, and to add a phone number, enter the number.
9. Once you have entered the data, click on the `Continue` button.
10. After successfully adding, the system will send an email asking you to confirm the changes. Open your email and follow the instructions in the email to confirm the changes.
Now you should have an additional email and/or phone number added to the system.