How can I interact with a post?

Interact with the club post:
1. Open the app or platform and go to `Clubs`.
2. Scroll through the list of posts and find the one you want to interact with.
3. To leave a reaction on the post:
- There are emoji icons next to the post. Click on the smiley icon you want to use as a reaction to the post.
- Once you select the reaction, it will be displayed next to the post.
4. To leave a comment on a post:
- There is an `Add Comment` button below the post. Click on this button.
- Enter your comment in the input box.
- Click on the 'Submit' button to submit your comment.
- Your comment will appear below the post.
5. To share the post:
- There is a `Share` icon below the post. Click on this icon.
- A menu will appear with various options to share, e.g. through social networks, messengers, or copying the link.
- Select the desired option to share and follow the instructions to share the post.