How can I change my password?

To change the user's password:
1. On the home page, in the top menu of the app, find the icon with the `three horizontal lines`. Click on it to open the side menu.
2. In the side menu, locate the user avatar icon and tap on the user's avatar. Alternatively, on this page, find and click on `Settings`. After selecting `Settings`, a menu will open, and there will be a section called `Account`.
3. After selecting `User avatar` (or `Account`), a page with user information and account settings will open.
4. In this menu, you will see a button `Change password`. Click on it, and a form for changing the password will appear.
5. Enter the current password in the corresponding field. Then enter a new password in the `New password` field. Make sure that the new password is strong enough to secure your account. Enter the new password again in the 'Confirm new password' field to make sure you haven't made a typo.
Note: The password change form has an eye icon located in the top right corner of the form. This icon allows you to show or hide your password characters. If you want to make sure you are entering your password correctly, you can use it.
6. When all the fields have been filled in, be sure to check that you have entered the data correctly. Make sure that the current password and the new password do not match and that you have not made any typos.
7. On the same page, there are two buttons: `Cancel` and `Change`. If you want to cancel the password change, click on `Cancel`. If you are sure you want to change the password, click on the `Change` button.
8. If you have pressed the 'Change' button, your password will be changed to the new password you have entered. You will receive a confirmation that your password has been successfully changed, also by email.
Congratulations! You have changed your password.