How can I download a file in my chat?

Downloading files in chat rooms:
1. Go to the app or website, and open the desired chat room where the file you want to download is located.
2. Inside the chat, scroll through the messages until you find the file you want to download.
3. click on the file to open it in a preview.
4. In the preview, there is a `Share` icon in the top right corner.
5. Click on it. This will open a menu with options to share or export the file.
6. From the share menu look for the `Save to files` option , which allows you to save the file to your device.
7. When you find the `Save to files` option, click on it. This will open a menu to select where to save the file.
8. From the save location menu, select the folder or location on your device or in the cloud storage where you want to save the file.
9. Once you have selected the save location, click on the `Save` button to start downloading and saving the file.
10. Wait until the file is fully downloaded and saved in the selected folder or location. The download time may depend on the size of the file and the speed of your internet connection.
Once these steps are completed, the file will be successfully downloaded and stored on your device or cloud storage in the folder or location of your choice.