How can I leave a chat room?

Leaving a chat room:
1. Go to the app or website, open the chats section.
2. In the list of chats, scroll to the chat room you want to leave.
3.On a mobile device, tap and hold your finger on the selected chat. On a computer you can use the right mouse button.
4. After tapping on the chat, an additional menu with various options will pop up.
5.In the additional menu, find the option related to leaving the chat. This is 'Leave Chat'.
6. After selecting the option to leave the chat you will be presented with a confirmation dialog. There will be two buttons in the window: 'Leave' and 'Cancel'. Click the 'Leave' button to permanently leave the chat room or the 'Cancel' button to cancel the action and stay in the chat room.
Once you have confirmed leaving the chat, you will be deleted from the chat and will no longer see any messages or notifications associated with the chat.