How can I switch to an instant meeting?

To switch to a instant meeting, you have two ways to do this:
1. Via the Calendar section:
- Open the app and go to the Calendar section.
- In the list of events, find the instant meeting for the date you want.
- Click on the `Join` button, which will allow you to enter the meeting.
2. Via the `Chats` section of the meeting screen:
- Open the app and go to the `Chats` section of the meetings screen.
- Find and select the meeting you want from the list.
- Tap a meeting to open its details and chat with participants.
- Inside the meeting, you can see the participants' messages, exchange files, make audio and video calls, and do other activities related to the meeting.
Choose your preferred way to join a instant meeting: from Calendar or Chats on the meeting screen to join a meeting and start chatting with participants.