What happens if I lose my encryption keys?

If encryption keys are lost, there may be some consequences, including loss of access to private chat and club history. Here's what you should know:
1. Recovering encryption keys: In most cases, if you lose your encryption keys, they cannot be recovered. Encryption keys are not stored on the server and are unique to your device. Therefore, if lost, they may be difficult or impossible to recover.
2. Re-logging in: If you login again after losing the encryption keys, you will most likely need to create new keys or get new encryption for your account.
3. Loss of access to private chat and club history: If you lose your encryption keys you may lose access to your private chat and club history. This is because messages and content in private chats and clubs are encrypted using your keys. Therefore, if the keys cannot be recovered, access to the encrypted information may be lost.
4. Preventive measures: To avoid loss of encryption keys it is recommended that you back up your keys regularly. It is also important to keep your keys in a safe place to avoid losing them.
It is important to understand that the loss of encryption keys can have serious consequences and it may be difficult or impossible to regain access to encrypted information. It is therefore recommended that you keep your encryption keys in a safe place and take precautions to minimise the risk of losing them.